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  • Registrant : 新宿区
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/01/09
  • Published : 2024/01/09
  • Changed :2024/01/09
  • Total View : 711 persons
2024/3/9 / 新宿区 / Other

Soseki Sanso Memorial Hall "Ninth Day Party

In October 1906, when Soseki Natsume was living in Komagome Sendagi-machi, a "Thursday meeting" was held. The "Thursday Meeting" moved to Waseda Minami-cho and became a cultural salon for those who admired Soseki. When Soseki passed away on December 9, 1916, his students gathered to remember him on January 9, 1917, one month later. Thereafter, the "Ninth Day Party" was held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and continued until the early Showa period. The Soseki Sanso Memorial Hall Ninth Day Party is an event to remember Soseki by holding a lecture related to Soseki at the memorial hall in honor of this gathering held by his students who adored him.

In October 1906, when Soseki Natsume was living in Komagome Sendagi-machi, a "Thursday meeting" was held. The "Thursday Meeting" moved to Waseda Minami-cho and became a cultural salon for those who admired Soseki. When Soseki passed away on December 9, 1916, his students gathered to remember him on January 9, 1917, one month later. Thereafter, the "Ninth Day Party" was held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and continued until the early Showa period. The Soseki Sanso Memorial Hall Ninth Day Party is an event to remember Soseki by holding a lecture related to Soseki at the memorial hall in honor of this gathering held by his students who adored him.

Address 新宿区
Date 2024/3/9
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